5383 Alloy in Shipbuilding: Opportunity with PMIT in Innovating


In contrast to conventional 5083 alloy, 5383 alloy has significant outstanding characteristics in weight savings in aluminum vessels design, a minimum of 15% increase in the post-weld yield strength, improvement in corrosion properties, and a 10% increase in fatigue strength.

These improvements, along with equal key characteristics as 5083, made the explosion of 5383 alloys in shipbuilding both an opportunity & innovation for competitive manufacturers like PMIT who pushing the limits for shipbuilder to design bigger & faster aluminum ships.


PMIT continuously extends the 5383 alloy potential in marine shipbuilding. Up to now, we have supplied an assortment of 5383 extruded components and assisted shipbuilder to float several ocean-going high-speed aluminum passenger ferries. With our higher performance fabrication, together with customer we achieve lighter weight ship with lower cost & never-compromise property.

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